Elizabeth Heintz

Lupus and Menopause

We are fortunate to live in a day and age when many of us can speak openly about sexual health and well-being, and it’s no longer considered taboo to discuss menopause.  Once whispered under the breath – and never around men – “the change of life” was something you only discussed with your bestie or…

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Lupus and Raynaud’s Syndrome

One of the more common overlapping conditions with some of us living with lupus, is Raynauld’s Phenomenon.  This blog describes the condition, what to look for, and how it can be managed. Contents: Introduction Raynaud’s Phenomenon and its Symptoms What causes Raynaud’s Phenomenon? How is Raynaud’s Phenomenon diagnosed? Treating Raynaud’s Phenomenon Preventing or Minimizing Symptoms…

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Lupus and the Flu Shot: What You Need to Know

Introduction What exactly is the flu? What are the updates with the flu shot this year? Who gets the flu, and who should get the flu shot? Why is it so important for those with lupus to get the flu shot? Are there any reasons that I should NOT get the flu vaccine? When and…

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